Where is Osmana Bin Laden?

The Americans have a massive presence in the Middle East. They are all through the military, the economic planning and the development programs. They are advisers, trainers, weapons suppliers, contractors, they run the electronic intelligence program that surveys the Gulf. There is little that they do not know. But I ask myself, will they again overlook the obvious as they have done previously. The American’s have authenticated the most recent tape but is Osmana Bin Laden still alive and if so, where is he?

Is he in the Yemen as has been reported or hiding in the mountains and secret caves of Iran or Pakistan with Al Queda? It is possible he is in Saudi Arabia, hidden amongst his own and under the very noses of those who seek him. The fundamentalists In Saudi Arabia still fight the so-called enemy, imperialism and the subservience of Arabs to Western imperialism. Deep enmity and hostility remains and festers. Within Saudi Arabia there remains a fractious, violent, tribal society. Smouldering with hatreds, with religious and political antagonisms, they would shelter Bin Laden or is he as many believe hiding in the tribal lands of Parkistan?

The terrorist acts we have been seeing, especially over the past twelve months, seem to be getting more systematic yet no discernible pattern has emerged. I am certainly disturbed and concerned about the rising level of violence, which, whatever its origin appears to be carefully planned. There's nothing hard, nothing specific, and nothing I can lay my hands on but I have a deep unease. Who is involved and is there a correlation among the incidents? I'm presupposing nothing but something bothers me about the incidents. I have the feeling that in most incidents of terrorism, but not all, there is a common thread, running everywhere and nowhere. I believe most of the operations have a common source. What is peculiar is the networking between the groups involved. I have no facts, only fleeting theories and surmises that are countered by equally valid assumptions and speculations. I can see no clear pattern yet I sense there must be one. I have no knowledge of specifics yet the threads lead back. The Fundamentalists are intransigent and their speeches as anti-American as ever in the Mosques throughout the Middle East. Nothing is going on publicly but something is going on, something without signals, without reasonable pattern.

I've read, indexed, cross-referenced and have re-organised my notes. I keep sifting through the pages making further notes drawing lines, trying to force my mind to make a logical connection. But nothing seems to add up. I sense something that bothers me, yet I have no idea what it could be. Maybe I'm over-reacting - it's possible. I have no evidence that I am on the right track yet everything points to Saudi Arabia. The question is, is there any connection, any pattern to all the seemingly random events and if so, who or what is behind them? Osmana Bin Laden?

Osmana Bin Laden has sponsored most, if not all, terrorism for some years. There are differences of opinion of course, but it is my own belief that whatever involvement he’s had in terrorism it has not abated since his escape from Afghanistan. One of the key questions is, is he involved in this recent upsurge of vicious and seemingly random attacks – is he yet again running the terrorist network that spreads throughout the world? He stands indicated in world opinion by his own bloody history of murder?

Certainly it has become apparent that a campaign of terror is in progress. Pressure creates only resistance and terrorism creates only counter-terrorism. Terror has become a theatre, contributing to breakdown, creating a genuine condition of revolutionary flux. At the moment there exists the ideal climate for violent change throughout the Middle East. The classic conditions exist among the mass of poor and discontent will continue to vent itself. Sooner or later it will erupt. Right now there is a great reservoir of anger and frustration and what we are seeing is probably only a ripple on the surface of the violence which is ready to burst forth. The fanaticism of the fundamentalists should not be underestimated and is immense.

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