Wednesday, 19. February 2003
Terrorism - Protecting the ordinary Australian

It's a sad fact of life that every home in Australia has received a copy of a booklet entitled 'Let's look out for Australia: Protecting our way of life from a possible terrorist threat'. The booklet provides advice about how we can work together to protect our way of life from the threat of terrorism. It is part of the Commonwealth' Government's commitment to keeping every Australian informed about:

- New counter-terrorist measures that have been put in place;
- How we can all play out part by being alert, but not alarmed
- Who to contact to report suspicious activity;
- What to do in the event of an emergency

Let's look out for Australia: Protecting our way of life from a possible terrorist threat, is part of a $15 million advertising campaign to raise consciousness about terrorism. In the booklet, with cover pictures including a group of children, Australians are reassured that emergency services have detailed plans in place and antibiotics and other drugs are stockpiled. It also informs as to what to do in an emergency ie if a bomb explodes, if you receive a suspicious package, if you are caught in a fire and if a chemical, biological or radiological incident occurs!

As our Prime Minster, John Howard states in his letter 'Australians have every reason to be hopeful and optimistic about the future. We are a strong, free, compassionate society - together, we will look out for Australia and protect the way of life we value so highly' a comment I agree with but one wonders where the world is heading when such a booklet is issued.

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