Wednesday, 11. September 2002
September 11th 2001

hat with the terrible news from the States. I couldn't quite believe the news reports early Wednesday morning. The pictures were horrendous. It was surreal and I don't think anyone could have prepared themselves for what they were seeing. It was shocking watching the buildings collapse on live tv, shocking watching the second aircraft hit, shocking watching the survivors escape with their lives, shocking watching people jumping from the buildings but what was most shocking of all was the backdrop of the pale blue calm sky before it filled with dust and debris. At one point I stood outside. It was a beautiful calm Australian Spring day, sunny with a light breeze and as I looked down toward the coastal plain everything seemed surreal again. I could hear the CNN reporter behind me frantically speaking of the horror and there I stood viewing the scenic beauty that lay before my eyes.

The roads were very quiet in Melbourne during the rush hour on Wednesday. Everyone remained glued to their televisions. Here in the office they ran the tv so that people could see what was eventuating. There was a feeling, and still is, of sadness and horror and gloom. No one can quite believe what occurred. Even today people are feeling depressed. Having travelled in the States in April, a feeling of sickness sweeps through me ... as it does others who have flown overseas recently. Suddenly, air travel is not safe any more. We are not safe any more. Our office has recalled all staff travelling overseas from wherever they are and have issued the command "come home now". People are working frantically to get them back on Australian shores as soon as possible. There is a real concern that if the American's attack, reprisal attacks could be felt worldwide and who knows which countries will be hit.

What started as a beautiful week has ended in horror and death and destruction for so many. Each of us feel for the people that have died or are suffering and I believe our Prime Minister, John Howard, who was in Washington during the attacks expressed the feelings of the Australian public at large. We stand united and behind you. We are a friend and if you need help you will receive it. Perhaps this one event has united the West like it has not been united in years. Perhaps now, the ugly spectre of terrorism can be attacked and thrashed though I doubt it will ever be fully destroyed and will continually rise, phoenix like, from whatever ashes are created. It is not something that can be destroyed tomorrow. It will be a long, hard ongoing battle. Many good men will die, many innocents will die in the ensuing conflict but whatever happens, let us hope that those who are responsible or those who will plan such murderous things will take note of the American response. If such a response has the effect of destroying or frightening off a group then something has been achieved.

What makes men create such terror? Aloadin said when he sent out young men to terrorise the land 'Go thou and slay, and when thou returnest, my angels shall bear thee to Paradise'. It is the lure of paradise. The terrorist believes that his earthly sacrifice today will lead to an earthly paradise into which the child of his children's children will be born. This is the glory that is held before him and his blood today will bring paradise for the unborn. The shining light of fanaticism which has a chilling quality that cannot be easily extinguished. Such fanaticism dismays me because we lack the power to destroy it. I feel afraid, afraid of the future as I come to terms with what has happened and I am without any illusions about the depths of barbarity into which a man can descend.

The ways of men are often beyond comprehension. We have become witness to the suffering of mankind, so much is caused by conflict and by the human debris disgorged by it. I often wonder what happens to man's reason, tolerance and compassion? Everyday I read the papers, listen to the commentators and the analysts and the news becomes a surreal collage of orchestrated madness. All too often the balance of peace resides in the profitability of terror. It is difficult to find understanding and absolution for the misdeeds of mankind . It goes hand in hand with intrigue, treachery and insane madness. The end never justifies the means. Justice can no longer be rendered under a system that has surrendered its integrity. I know I feel strongly about such things, but I care, care deeply, as we all care. More and more, we can see the random waves of madness, the ever continuing violence of life, the stupidity of it all, the injustice, the pure blind cruelty and the many links in the terrible chain of acts of terrorism and destruction that are so frequent today. I know the world is filled with violence we see is daily beamed into our living rooms. It has become a fact of life. Violence, madness and hatred exists in many walks of life, under many guises.

I guess we will never have an answer as to why God allows such things to happen. But I also guess the answer lays within ourselves. What has been created has been created by ourselves. By decisions made in the past, by conflict and lack of understanding. By man's ability to create evil and to become the dark monster that lurks inside us all.

So my friends, this e-mail is not about the pretty things in life. This e-mail is about sorrow and horror and is also a prayer for those that have suffered. As you feel as an American, we in Australia, as many do around the world, feel for you and stand in support as to whatever action your Government takes. Dark days lay ahead but beyond that darkness lays hope and the freedom from the tyranny of terrorism.

God be with you all

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